Theme Month! August 2019: The Peasants Are Revolting! And They’re Rebelling Too!

You say you want a revolution? Well, I have a nice little month planned for you! Revolutions, uprisings, mutinies and general unruliness will be the order of the day.

My plans include films both famous and obscure and revolutions both famous and obscure but to whet your appetite, here are some films I have already covered.

French Revolution

Scaramouche (1924)

A Tale of Two Cities (1917)

Russian Revolution (1905 and 1917)

Battleship Potemkin (1925)

The Volga Boatman (1925)

The Forty-First (1927)

The Last Command (1928)

Tempest (1928)

American Revolution

The Hessian Renegades (1909)

The Heart of a Hero (1917)

Fictional Revolts

Song of Love (1923)

Less Than Dust (1916)

You can tell who teacher’s pet is. But in any case, I hope you will enjoy the upcoming selection of rebellion!


  1. Bobbie

    Without a doubt, the half-mad, drunken French peasants clobbering each other and stumbling along with aristocratic heads on poles in “Scaramouche “ have my vote!

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