News from the Silent Movie Front: Crowdfunding, Peter Pan and Bluray Bonanza

As always, there are some exciting happenings afoot in the world of silent film so let’s dive right in!

Douglas MacLean on DVD!

Ben Model’s Undercrank productions is at it again! He’s spearheading the crowdfunded release of two Douglas MacLean vehicles on home video and you can contribute to the campaign here, I already have.

Coincidentally, I just discovered that Douglas MacLean preferred to be “shot” from a high angle to “shorten his brow.” We’ll get to find that out for ourselves soon! But seriously, I am always happy to see a forgotten talent receive some attention and I am looking forward to this release very much. Ben Model always delivers a great product.

Peter Pan on Blu

The 1924 version of Peter Pan is always a crowdpleaser and now it’s being released on Bluray by Kino Lorber with an orchestra score by Philip C. Carli! The street date is July 9, 2019 and you can pre-order here.

Flicker Alley Has Been Busy!

Flicker Alley is releasing three exciting titles: a Charley Bowers set, the Russian film Fragment of an Empire and the French film L’Argent. You can learn more and pre-order the films here.


  1. Joe Thompson

    The story in The Parade’s Gone By of Kevin Brownlow’s attempts to contact Douglas MacLean has stayed with me ever since I read first it. “‘I don’t think you quite understand. Mr. MacLean has lost all powers of communication’… Not only had the work of a lifetime been lost. The memories had gone, too.”

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